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Comedy Singer Results

Book Comedy Singer now!

Nadja Gorn

The Singing Chameoleon is a Singer and Emcee Extraordinaire with South asian root, living in Munich, Germany. A mistress of improvising and a whirlwind of energy on stage

Ottobrunn, Bayern, 85521, Germany

Arcy Dalma

Arcy Dalma incarne la folie, la magie et l'humour dans un personnage unique Arcy Dalma fusionne différentes formes artistiques dans un spectacle de clown chantant

Gex, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 01170, France

Reni I Bifamo von

RENI VONBIFAMO - ARTIST REVUE on ReverbNation! - https://www.mixcloud.com/renivbifamo/renis-mixparade/ MY LIFE AND HOLLIDAY WAS IN 5 * HOTELS IN THE WORLD

Monte Carlo, 98000, Monaco